Frequently Asked Questions
I would like to invest under my LLC. Does me personally qualifying as an accredited investor allow me to do that,or does my LLC need to have 200k of income history in order for me to invest from my company?
If all of the members of the LLC entity are accredited in their own right, then the LLC will qualify for accreditation.
If I’m already in REV, am I automatically in the new opportunity & can we invest separately as well?
That depends. If you invested into the REV Fund with Vive, usually yes, a portion of your investment will be applied to our projects. You will also be able to make a separate investment specifically into our projects, as well. Our investors routinely do exactly that - make an investment into REV to get the allocated diversification, and then increase into a single asset that they really like and believe in simultaneously. The diversification and the ability to choose the assets you were invested into are really the pros and cons of each option, but that was the reason we rolled out REV to begin with. It is so that our investors had the best options for their portfolio.
What is the difference between investing in this single asset vs. investing in REV?
On our projects vs. REV: Our investors routinely make an investment into REV to get the allocated diversification, and then increase into a single asset that they really like and believe in simultaneously. The diversification and the ability to choose the assets you were invested into are really the pros and cons of each option, but that was the reason we rolled out REV to begin with. It is so that our investors had the best options for their portfolio.
How Do Distributions From The Fund Differ Compared To Buying Into The Asset ?
Distributions on the fund don’t really differ from the standpoint of the cash flow is directly derived from the assets. It could perform better or differently than any one direct project. If another project in the fund does better, the fund overall will do better. If they all perform to pro forma, it will be roughly the same amount.
How are distributions from the fund different than buying into the asset ?
By investing into REV, you are automatically diluted across the assets in the Fund. For example, since you're already invested in the Fund, you would own a pro rata percent of ownership in Asset A. As we add the next deal in, your ownership in the first two would lessen and you’d get a slice of the third one. REV directly invests into the deals we put out as an offering. So if you invest into REV, you’re automatically invested into the assets that go into REV.
How long are you keeping the fund open?
This depends on how quickly we fund. We have so many family offices looking at our deals at any given time, it’s really hard to say. Any one of them could write a check and close the entire fund out. We recently had a similar sized fund close in about 13 days.